June 28, 2024

2024 Graduation Ceremony and Prom at the Tsaritsyno Palace

On June 25, 2024, the Bolshoi Ballet Academy hosted a Graduation Ceremony and Prom for the jubilee 225th Graduation Class, and 35 proud soon-to-be professionals received their Graduation Certificates at the historical Tsaritsyno Palace in Moscow.

This year, 7 students from Japan, USA, Czech Republic and Mexico completed their studies and training at the Academy. Hollyn Henderson from the USA graduated with honors.

Apart from the Graduation Certificates, many students from different classes and courses received Letters of Acknowledgement for their professional accomplishments. Among them was Tomo Ikemoto (2nd year; teacher – A. Antonicheva) who had excelled in the “Professional Education – Classical Dance” nomination at the 10th Annual DANCE MOSCOW 2024 Contest (3rd degree Prize).

Dancing to a professional orchestra, debutantes in evening gowns and formal attires performed a variety of ballroom numbers arranged by prominent masters of the choreographical art, as well as teachers of the Academy. After the valedictorian speech, foreign graduates performed the minuetto from the Sleeping Beauty and the romanesca from the Raimonda they had prepared for the occasion.

We would like to use this opportunity to offer our congratulations to the graduates upon the completion of an important phase of their lives and wish them new triumphs and accomplishments in their artistic careers full of applause and flowers!

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