April 11, 2023

A.S.E. Global Bridges and Bolshoi Ballet Academy Virtual Pedagogy Master Class (April, 2023)

Movements en tournant & tour lent en dehors/en dedans

for female dancers ages 14-15

In continuing ASE's commitment to Bridges to Shared Future Through Dance on April 10, 2023, A.S.E. Global Bridges together with the Bolshoi Ballet Academy organized an online master class which was conducted by one of the Academy's Master Teachers, Ms. Natalya Revich.

Ms. Revich gave a theoretical overview and practical demonstrations with Academy students on teaching Movements En Tournant en dehors/en dedans and Tour lent en dehors/en dedans in large poses for female dancers ages 14-15. Over a hundred teachers from ballet education institutions across the world attended the master class

In addition to being one of the most respected BBA teachers, Ms. Revich is a longtime Teacher in BBASI CT and Teacher Certification Program in NYC.

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