September 24, 2024

Bolshoi Ballet Academy has launched Online Teacher Training Seminars in 2024/25 academic year

Along with the beginning of the new academic year, the Bolshoi Ballet Academy began holding Online Teacher Training Seminars in choreographic disciplines for ballet teachers from professional educational institutions in different countries.

The first seminar of this year, Method of teaching preparational physicality, musicality, and body development for pre-ballet level, was held from September 18 to 22, 2024. The seminar was conducted by Ekaterina Trunina.

This workshop had four important parts:

• Parterre gymnastics – development of the physical ability.

• Rhythmics – develops a sense of rhythm in children. Helps to move in accordance with the character, tempo, and rhythm of a particular piece of music.

• Foundations of Classical Dance – preparation for mastering the basics of classical dance. Familiarization with the elementary vocabulary of classical dance, setting the body, arms, legs, head in correct positions.

• Dance Etudes – Exploring various dances and choreographies for children: Polonaise, Menuet, Gavot, Polka, etc.

This Seminar was organized jointly by the partner of the Academy, Arts Education Classic.

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